Cooking Techniques

Cooking Techniques


Cooking is an essential skill that everyone should learn! This guide will explain different cooking and preserving techniques, helping you to prepare delicious meals and save food for later.


Boiling is a simple cooking method that involves cooking food in hot water. It is often used for pasta, vegetables, and eggs.

Steps for Boiling:
Boiling Flowchart


Steaming cooks food using steam from boiling water. This method helps keep the food's nutrients intact and is great for vegetables and fish.

Steps for Steaming:
Steaming Flowchart


Baking uses dry heat in an oven to cook food. It’s commonly used for bread, cakes, and casseroles.

Steps for Baking:
Baking Flowchart

Preserving Techniques

Preserving food helps to keep it fresh for a longer time. Here are two common methods:


Canning involves placing food in jars and heating them to kill bacteria and seal the jars.

Steps for Canning:
Canning Flowchart


Pickling uses vinegar or brine to preserve vegetables and fruits. This method adds a delicious flavor!

Steps for Pickling:
Pickling Flowchart


Learning different cooking methods is fun and useful! By mastering techniques like boiling, steaming, baking, and preserving, you can create tasty meals and save food from going to waste.